Once Alzheimer’s progresses to the later stages, family caregivers need to focus on maintaining their elderly parents’ comfort, dignity, and quality of life. Regardless of the fact that seniors with Alzheimer’s commonly lose the ability to express their needs coherently, the essence of who they are remains. Thus, caregivers can make a connection.
At this point, seniors exhibit a number of symptoms that should be considered when providing care. Since seniors need around-the-clock care during this time, families often consider opting for in-home care. Here are some things you should know about the late stage of Alzheimer’s disease.
Sense-Themed Care
The world of a senior in the last stage of Alzheimer’s is experienced through the five senses. You can communicate your love and concern for your parent by:
- Brushing or combing your loved one’s hair
- Gently applying his or her favorite scented lotion to dry skin
- Looking through photo albums
- Playing your loved one’s favorite music
- Preparing his or her favorite foods
- Reading his or her favorite books aloud
- Spending time outdoors
Safety Issues
Seniors with Alzheimer’s who retain the ability to walk often tend to wander. Consider using some type of motion detectors in the bedroom and on exit doors. This way, you become alerted if your loved one needs assistance going to the bathroom or attempts to venture outside alone.
Families often take on the task of caregiving themselves, but seniors with Alzheimer’s Care Reston may need a level of care their families simply aren’t able to provide. There are a variety of age-related health conditions that can make it more challenging for seniors to live independently. However, many of the challenges they face can be easier to address if their families opt for professional elderly home care. You can rely on expertly trained caregivers to keep your loved one safe and comfortable while aging in place.
Mobility Loss
Take a basic care class or consult with a physical therapist to learn how to safely transfer a senior with Alzheimer’s who is no longer able to get up and move independently. The appropriate technique prevents injury to both you and your loved one. Learn how to use a gait belt or consider investing in a mechanical lift. Help your loved one perform range-of-motion exercises as directed to prevent limb stiffness.
While your loved one is in bed at night, he or she must be repositioned every two to three hours to prevent the development of pressure sores. Your parent may also need hygiene care at this time secondary to incontinence. While your loved one is in bed, place pillows behind his or her back and between the legs to ensure the spine is properly supported.
Feeding Considerations
Encourage your loved one to feed him or herself for as long as possible. If eating utensils become too confusing to use, prepare meals using healthy finger foods. Protein shakes are another option.
Make sure your loved one drinks enough fluids throughout the day to prevent dehydration and constipation. Monitor your loved one for any signs of weight loss. Talk to your parent during meals. Offer a pat on the hand. Thicken liquids if swallowing becomes a problem.
It can be extremely helpful to enlist the help of a professional caregiver with specialized training in Alzheimer’s care. The type of at-home care Reston, VA, seniors need can vary. Some need assistance a few hours a day, while others require more extensive around-the-clock assistance. At Assisting Hands Home Care, we tailor our care plans based on each senior’s individual care needs, and the plans can be adjusted at any time.
Infection Prevention
Perform oral care if your loved one cannot brush and floss his or her own teeth. Make sure any skin tears or other wounds are promptly cleaned and treated. Check your loved one’s skin during bath times for possible rashes or open areas, and make sure he or she receives an annual flu vaccine. Your loved one also needs a pneumococcal inoculation every five years. Seniors don’t always develop a fever in the presence of infection, so you must monitor your loved one’s health for other telltale symptoms.
If your senior loved one has Alzheimer’s and needs help managing daily tasks, reach out to Assisting Hands Home Care, a leading provider of senior home care. Reston Assisting Hands Home Care provides reliable caregivers around the clock to help your loved one age in place safely and comfortably while living with Alzheimer’s disease. To learn about our premier in-home care options, give us a call at 703-556-8983 today.